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Monday, April 30, 2012




आइये Keionics9X के इस अनोखे कांसेप्ट को विस्तार से समझते हैं:

Keionics  के विशेषज्ञों ने दुनिया भर के प्रोफिट को आपस में बांटने वाला एक शानदार प्लान हाल ही में तैयार किया है. यह वास्तव में "एक दुनिया-एक टीम" की वजह से एक-दूसरे को मदद करते हुए आपके सभी सपनों को साकार करने की ताकत रखता है.
ग्लोबल पूल इनकम्स
ग्लोबल पूल में तीन लेवल्स हैं:
  •  ब्रोंज ग्लोबल शेयरिंग पूल्स
  •  सिल्वर ग्लोबल शेयरिंग पूल्स
  •  गोल्ड ग्लोबल शेयरिंग पूल्स
  1. ब्रोंज ग्लोबल शेयरिंग पूल्स
जैसे ही आप E-बुक्स को डाउनलोड करके I अग्री बटन पर क्लिक करके प्रोफिट शेयरिंग बिजनेस में आने की सहमती दे देते हैं तो आप बिजनेस अफिलिएट बन कर ब्रोंज ग्लोबल बिजनेस पूल के 2X पूल में आ जाते हैं जो "ऊनो" पूल से शुरू होता है.
यहाँ से आपका बिजनेस सेंटर एक्टिव हो जाता है और बिना किसी और को रेफेर किये भी पूरे विश्व के प्रोफिट में आपकी हिस्सेदारी [आपकी प्रोफिट शेयरिंग] अपने आप शुरू हो जाती है. ब्रोंज पूल निम्न तीन पूलों से मिलकर बना है:

1 . ब्रोंज ऊनो पूल
2 . ब्रोंज डूओ पूल
3 . ब्रोंज 9X पूल

1 . ब्रोंज ऊनो पूल
सम्पूर्ण विश्व के बिजनेस से जैसे ही आपकी इस पूल की चार पोजीशंस भर जाती हैं, आप 12 $ का लाभ [प्रोफिट] कमाते हैं और अगले पूल यानि डूओ पूल में चले जाते हैं.
2 . ब्रोंज डूओ पूल
जैसे ही पूरे विश्व के प्रोफिट से जैसे ही आपकी, यहाँ की भी चार पोजीशंस भर जाती हैं, आप यहाँ से 42 $ पाते हैं. इस तरह से आप अपनी खरीद मूल्य के खर्चे 27 $ का यहाँ दुगुना 54 $ [12 $ + 42 $] कमा जाते हैं, प्रोफिट शेयरिंग से, यानि बिना कोई काम किये
3 . ब्रोंज 9X पूल
पूरे विश्व के प्रोफिट शेयरिंग से आप अपनी खरीद मूल्य के खर्चे 27 $ का दुगुना 54 $ कमा जाने के बाद आपकी . एक्सपायर हो जाएगी, यदि आपने अपने 3 दोस्तों को इसमें रेफेर नहीं किया हुआ है. अपने "तीन" रेफेर्रल की वजह से आप 9X में आगे बढ़ते हैं, इसलिए इसे 9X क्वालिफिकेशन कहा जाता है.
यदि अपने पहले ही 3 रेफेर कर दिए [यानि उनको भी अपने 27 $ को दुगुना करने के लिए बताकर 9. में शामिल  कर लिया है] तो जैसे ही आपको 54 $ की प्रोफिट शेयरिंग मिलती है, आप तुरंत 9X पूल में आ जाते हैं..

और यदि "दुगुना" कमाने बाद आपका सेंटर एक्सपायर हो जाता है, तो आप अपने कमाए हुए प्रोफिट में से 27$ देकर फिर से शुरुआत कर सकते हैं. आपका वही लिंक कायम रहेगा और अपने यदि एक या दो को रेफेर भी किया हुआ है तो वो भी आपके साथ बने रहेंगे.

और जैसे ही 9X पूल में ग्लोबल बिजनेस से आपके नीचे की दो पोजीशन भर जाती हैं, आपको 2X में 9 नयी बोनस पोजीशंस मिलती हैं, जिनसे आप पूरी दुनिया के बिजनेस से 9X54 $ यानि 486 $ कमाते हैं.

ऐसा होते ही आपकी एक रि-एंट्री ब्रोंज ऊनो पूल में लगती है और साथ ही एक एंट्री सिल्वर ग्लोबल पूल के ऊनो पूल में भी.
साइक्लिक रि-एंट्री:
जैसा कि अभी बताया था कि 486 $ कमा लेने के बाद आपको ब्रोंज के ऊनो पूल में रि-साइक्लिक एंट्री मिलती है इसका मतलब यह है कि आप चाहें जितने चाहें उतने गुना पूरे बिजनेस का POTENTIAL कमा सकते हैं.
खास बात यह है कि अगर आपने एक से ज्यादा 9X क्वालिफिकेशन  तैयार  कर रखे हैं तो वे स्टैंड-बाई में रहेंगे और आगे बढ़ने कि क्वालिफिकेशन में काम आते जायेंगे और आपको बार बार इनकम देते जायेंगे.

ब्रोंज री-एंट्री के समय अगर आपके पास कोई  9X क्वालिफिकेशन 'रिज़र्व' में नहीं है, या एक या दो हैं, तो आपको ब्रोंज में एक ही री-एंट्री मिलेगी, पर अगर तीन  9X क्वालिफिकेशन  रिज़र्व में हैं, तो बहुत 'शानदार' इनकम देने के लिए आपको तीन री-एंट्री मिलेंगीं, जो आपकी आगे की इनकम 'तीन' गुना देती चली जायेंगीं.
सिल्वर ग्लोबल शेयरिंग पूल्स:
ब्रोंज में अगर आप सायकिल आउट हो गए हैं, यानि आपने ब्रोंज पूल कि सारी इनकम ले ली तो आप सिल्वर ग्लोबल शेयरिंग पूल में आ जाते हैं. यहाँ भी तीन पूल हैं:

1 . सिल्वर ऊनो पूल
2 .  सिल्वर डूओ पूल
3 .  सिल्वर 9X पूल

1 . सिल्वर ऊनो पूल
ब्रोंज में अगर आप सायकिल आउट हो गए हैं, यानि आपने ब्रोंज पूल कि सारी इनकम ले ली तो आप को सिल्वर ऊनो पूल में एंट्री मिलती है.
सम्पूर्ण विश्व के बिजनेस से जैसे ही आपकी इस पूल की चार पोजीशंस भर जाती हैं, आप 120 $ का लाभ [प्रोफिट] कमाते हैं और अगले पूल यानि सिल्वर डूओ पूल में चले जाते हैं.

2 . सिल्वर डूओ पूल
जैसे ही पूरे विश्व के प्रोफिट से जैसे ही आपकी, यहाँ की भी चार पोजीशंस भर जाती हैं, आप यहाँ से 420 $ पाते हैं, प्रोफिट शेयरिंग से, यानि बिना कोई काम किये.

3 .   गोल्ड 9X पूल
पूरे विश्व के प्रोफिट शेयरिंग से आप अपनी खरीद मूल्य के खर्चे 27 $ का 200 गुना यानि 5400 $  कमा जाने तक का समय होता है, अपने तीन लोगों को मदद करके यहाँ लाकर आगे बढ़ने का.  ऐसा नहीं होने पर आपकी ID एक्सपायर हो जाएगी.
यदि आप  गोल्ड 9X पूल में आ गए ग्लोबल बिजनेस से आपके नीचे की दो पोजीशन भर जाती हैं, आपको  गोल्ड ऊनो 2X में 9 नयी बोनस पोजीशंस मिलती हैं, जिनसे आप पूरी दुनिया के बिजनेस से 9X5400 $ यानि 48600 $ कमाते हैं.
जैसे ही आप  गोल्ड पूलों से कुल 54000 $ कमा लेते हैं, ऐसा होते ही आपकी एक एंट्री गोल्ड ग्लोबल पूल के ऊनो पूल में लग जाती है.

P.S. : जैसे ही आपकी मुख्य एंट्री पहली बार इस पूल में आती है, तो यह बिना किसी टाइम क्वालिफिकेशन के यहाँ रि-सायकिल करेगी. और आपकी बाकि अन्य रि-एंट्रीज़ यहाँ की 9X की इनकम कमा कर शेष हो जायेंगीं.
यदि आप Keionics-9X के प्लान को खूब अच्छी तरह जानना और समझना चाहते हैं तो सबसे पहले इसका webinar देखें!
उपर टेब से रजिस्टर कर लीजिए !वहाँ दिन और भाषा के हिसाब से टाइम होगा और सभी का अलग अलग लिंक होगा,अपने सुविधानुसार लिंक को क्लिक करके रिजिस्टर हो जाएँ! आपके मेल में इन्विटेशन लिंक को क्लिक कीजिए, जो आपके पास रजिस्टर करते ही पहुँचता है.
उस लिंक को क्लिक करते ही एक छोटा सॉफ़्टवेयर डाउनलोड होगा,पहली बार, उसको RUN कर लीजिएगा, आप तुरंत मीटिंग रूम में पहुँच जाएँगे.
HINDI, SUNDAY, 11.00 AM Webinar Link:
HINDI, TUESDAY & FRIDAY,7.00PM Webinar Link:

शुरुआत कैसे करें??/HOW TO JOIN

(((((((((((((((((((((((( शुरुआत कैसे करें??? ))))))))))))))))))))))

अगर आपने ऑनलाइन मीटिंग [WEBINAR] देख लिया है और आप इस बिजनेस को शुरू करना चाहते हैं तो सबसे पहले इस लिंक पर क्लिक करके ज्वाइन कर लीजिये [जो अगले 72 घंटों तक के लिए फ्री है]

अब जो पेज खुलेगा, वो इस तरह का होगा, उसमें JOIN NOW पे क्लिक कीजिये.


अब जो पेज खुलेगा उसमें अगर nitin1101 लिखा हुवा दिख रहा है तो ठीक, नहीं तो टाइप करके लिख दीजिये, और कुछ सैकंडों का इंतज़ार कीजिये... जब बगल मेंNITIN SINGHलिखा हुआ प्रकट हो जाये तो आगे बढ़ जाइये, यानि अपनी DETAILS भर दीजिये...

इन बातों का ध्यान ज़रूर रखें:

जब देश में इंडिया सेलेक्ट करें तो उसके बाद मोबाईल नं भरने से पहले +91 के प्रकट होने का इंतजार करें.

अपनी ईमेल आई डी को खास तौर पर चेक करें बार बार करें जब आपको तसल्ली हो जाए की ये ठीक है तभी आगे बढ़ें!

PURCHASE ID(USER ID) जो भी लिखें उसके बाद कुछ सैकंड इंतज़ार करें, जब यह लिखा आ जाये कि USER ID AVAILABLE !!! तब ही आगे बढ़ें.

अब सबसे खास बात, सीक्रेट सवाल का SECRET ANSWER जो लिखें वो ध्यान रखें क्योंकि यह जवाब सिर्फ आपके और सोफ्टवेयर के बीच रहेगा आपके अकाउंट कि सुरक्षा के लिए.
अब पूरा भरके I AGREE पे क्लिक करके आगे बढ़ जाइये.

अगले पेज पर फिर आपसे पूछा जायेगा कि अपने जो कुछ भरा है वो चैक कर लो, ठीक है तो आगे बढ़ो.

अब यदि आपके पास 29.5  $ ALERT PAY के हैं तो भुगतान कर दो, नहीं तो PAY LATER पे क्लिक करके आगे बढ़ जाओ, और तीन दिन के अन्दर PAY कर दो.

[यदि नहीं तो मात्र Rs.1650 में आप ज्वाइन कर सकते हैं, हमारी टीम आपके लिए ALERTPAY $ की व्यवस्था करेगी. आप मुझे संपर्क कीजिये, और मैं आपको  अकाउंट नं. SMS करूँगा, उस बैंक अकाउंट में यह रकम जमा कर दीजिये. मैं आपके लिए अपनी टीम से व्यवस्था करके आपको ज्वाइन करवा दूंगा.] 

जब भी आप PAY करेंगे! पे करने के बाद एक बार अपनी आई डी लोग इन करें! आपको तुरंत एक मेल मिलेगा! मेल आपकी SPAM FOLDER में भी जा सकते हैं,इसलिए वहाँ भी तलाश करें!मेल में आपको एक PRODUCT DOWNLOAD LINK मिलेगा,इसे क्लिक करके डाउनलॉड कर लीजिए!

 जैसे ही डाउनलोड करेंगे एक और मेल आपको मिलेगा ये G-mail में Spam Folder में अधिक जाता है,वो इस तरह दिखेगा, अगर ईमेज नहीं दिखें तो इस मैल के लिए show images for this क्लिक करें

इसके बाद आपको फाइनल अफिलियेट का फॉर्म खुलेगा,इसे कंप्लीट करें,इसमें ID DOCUMENT NO. ज़रूर भर दें(PAN NO, DRIVING LICENCE NO, OR PASSPORT NO.), I Agree पर क्लिक कर दें,आपका प्लेसमेंट हो जाएगा!

नोट:याद रखें!जब तक ये पूरी परिक्रिया आप नहीं करते आपका प्लेसमेंट नहीं होता है!

आगे बॅक ऑफीस की जानकारी के लिए webinar देखें!

आपका दोस्त आपकी सहायता के लिए तैयार है.
मोबाइल: - 082466911,07520413282    
sshukla1101@gmail.com & anil1101@hotmail.com
skype id:anil.shukla71
MY BLOG: www.keionics9xindia.blogspot.com
 ANIL KUMAR SHUKLA MO. 08273466911 & 07520413282

My Referral Link: http://9X.keionics.com/?id=nitin1101
The Keionics 9X Program
The Experts at Keionics have designed a True State of the Art Profit Sharing Plan which Provides You the Leverage of the Entire Global Business Growth and shares the Profits with You. It is Truly The Ultimate Supporting Business with the Spirit and Aptitude to fulfill Your Desires with the Dynamics of One World!! One Team!! - Thus Leading You to Your Desired Financial Freedom.
The Incomes That You can enjoy from this Business Module are as Under:
  1. Dynamic Sponsoring Bonus
  2. Global Pool Incomes
  1. Dynamic Sponsoring Bonus
  2. On every 3rd Referral You are Rewarded with a Dynamic Sponsoring Bonus of 27$, With a Logistic of 1… 2….3 You are Free!! However You can Earn this Bonus as many number of times you wish.. as It will help in speeding up your earnings in the future for Your Reentries in the System and enhancing in The LLB section tremendously.
  3. Global Pool Income:
  4. There are 3 Levels in the Global Pools
    1. Bronze Global Sharing Pools
    2. Silver Global Sharing Pools
    3. Gold Global Sharing Pools
    1. Bronze Global Sharing Pools:Once You have confirmed Your Purchase by Downloading the e books, and agreed to participate in the Profit Sharing Business, by clicking the I agree Button, within Your Purchase ID, Then You Start to enjoy The Status of A Business Affiliate. You will be Placed in the Bronze Global Business 2X Pools starting with the Uno Pool. From Now On Your Business Center will become Active and Your Profit sharing starts automatically, with the help of the entire Global Business, even Without Referring a Single Person. The Bronze Pools consist of 3 Pools which are listed below:
      • Bronze Uno Pool
      • Bronze Duo Pool
      • Bronze 9X Pool

      • Bronze Uno Pool
      • Once the 4 Placements below You are filled in the Bronze Uno Pool, with the entire Company Business Growth, then You receive a Profit Sharing Amount of $12 and You are promoted to the Bronze Duo Pool.
      • Bronze Duo Pool
      • Once the 4 Placements below You are filled in the Bronze Duo Pool, with the entire Company Business Growth, then You receive a Profit Sharing Amount of $42 thus Providing You a Passive Income of 2X (Twice the Money You had Paid for Your Purchase).
      • Bronze 9X Pool
      • Once You have received Your Profit Sharing of $54 from the Bronze 2X Global Pools i.e. Uno and the Duo Pools, to the tune of 2X of Your Purchase Amount then, You have One Months time to Refer 3 and earn the Dynamic Sponsoring Bonus of $27 and move ahead in this Profit Sharing Business. Once You have fulfilled the Qualification of earning the Dynamic Bonus and have earned the $54, then You win a placement in to The 9X Pool. Remember that You have Only 1Month after You receive the $54 to enter in the 9X, failing which Your Business Centre will Expire. If You have already Referred Your 3, in advance and earned the Dynamic Bonus before You have earned the Profit Sharing Amount of $54 from the Bronze 2X Global Pools, then You are placed in the 9X Pool Instantly, Once You receive the Profit Sharing Amount of $54. Once You are placed in The 9X Pool and with 2 Placements below You filled, then You Win 9 placements in the 2X again, as a reward for Your Active Participation in the Business. Your 9 Placements will again earn You a Bonus of $54X9 ($486), from the entire Global Business. Once You have received the Total Bonus Amount of $486, from all Your 9 entries, You Win One Cyclic Reentry in the Bronze Uno Pool and apart from this You Win an entry in the Uno Pool of the Silver Global Sharing Pools.
      • Cyclic Reentry
      • You win a Reentry, in the Bronze 2X Uno Pool, Once You have received the Total Bonus of $486 from Your 9X entries in the Bronze Pool. This Reentry concept provides You a Chance to Double… Triple…. Or Multiply the Potential of the entire Business, any number of times You wish!! Illustration: If You have Referred more than 3 Persons in the 9X Program and earned more than One Dynamic Bonus, then each Dynamic Bonus will Qualify Your One Reentry of the Bronze Pool Into the Bronze 9X Pool. Once You have earned the Total Income from this pool, You will be awarded another Reentry in This Pool and Your Cycle will begin again. This Recycling will repeat again and again in the Bronze pools. All Your Qualified Reentries will move ahead to the next pools also, till they expire because of the Time Limit, on which ever levels they are. Your Additional Referrals will be a Stand By Qualification for the 9X Pools of that level, until Your Next Reentry Qualifies for the 9X Pool of the same.
    2. Silver Global Sharing Pools:
    3. You win a Complementary Placement in Silver 2X Sharing Pools, when Your Placement of the Bronze has Cycled out completely and earned the entire Bonus of the Bronze Global Pools. There are Three Silver Pools which are listed below:
      • Silver Uno Pool
      • Silver Duo Pool
      • Silver 9X Pool
      • Silver Uno Pool
      • You win a Complementary Placement in The Silver Uno Pool when You have Cycled out completely and earned the entire Bonus of the Bronze Global Pools. Once the 4 Placements below You are filled in the Silver Uno Pool, with the support of the entire Company Business Growth, then You receive a Profit Sharing Amount of $120 and You are promoted to the Silver Duo Pool.
      • Silver Duo Pool
      • Once the 4 Placements below You are filled in the Silver Duo Pool, with the support of the entire Company Business Growth, then You receive a Profit Sharing Amount of $420.
      • Silver 9X Pool
      • Once You have received Your Profit sharing of $540 from the Silver 2X Global Pools i.e. Silver Uno and the Duo Pools, to the tune of additional 20X of Your Purchase Amount, then You have One Months Time to Help Your 3 Referrals to land in the Silver Uno Pool and move ahead in the Silver 9X Pool. Remember, You have only 1Month after You receive the $540 to enter in the Silver 9X, failing which Your Business Centre will Expire. Once You are placed in The Silver 9X Pool and just 2 Placements below You are filled, then You Win 9 placements in the Silver Uno Pool, as a reward for Your Good Team Work. Your 9 Placements will again earn You a Bonus of $540X9 ($4860), from the entire Global Business. Once all Your 9X entries have matured and You have received the $5400, You Win a Complementary Placement in the Gold Level.
    4. Gold Global Sharing Pools:
    5. You win a Complementary Placement in Gold 2X Sharing Pools, when Your Placement of the Bronze has Cycled out completely and earned the entire Bonus of the Bronze Global Pools. There are Three Gold Pools which are listed below:
      • Gold Uno Pool
      • Gold Duo Pool
      • Gold 9X Pool
      • Gold Uno Pool
      • You win a Complementary Placement in The Gold Uno Pool when You have Cycled out completely and earned the entire Bonus of the Gold Global Pools. Once the 4 Placements below You are filled in the Gold Uno Pool, with the support of the entire Company Business Growth, then You receive a Profit Sharing Amount of $1200 and You are promoted to the Gold Duo Pool.
      • Gold Duo Pool
      • Once the 4 Placements below You are filled in the Gold Duo Pool, with the support of the entire Company Business Growth, then You receive a Profit Sharing Amount of $4200.
      • Gold 9X Pool
      • Once You have received Your Profit sharing of $5400 from the Gold 2X Global Pools i.e. Gold Uno and the Duo Pools, to the tune of additional 20X of Your Purchase Amount, then You have One Months Time to Help Your 3 Referrals to land in the Gold Uno Pool and move ahead in the Gold 9X Pool. Remember, You have only 1Month after You receive the $5400 to enter in the Gold 9X, failing which Your Business Centre will Expire. Once You are placed in The Gold 9X Pool and just 2 Placements below You are filled, then You Win 9 placements in the Gold Uno Pool, as a reward for Your Wonderful Team Work. Your 9 Placements will again earn You a Bonus of $5400X9 ($48600), from the entire Global Business. Once all Your 9X entries have matured and You have received the $54000, You Win a Complementary Placement in the Gold Level.
        P.S. Once Your Main entry has earned the 9X for the 1st Time, then it will Recycle here in this Pool, without any Time Qualification. All Your other Qualifying Reentries will expire after they have earned the 1st 9X earnings.
Join here [Free joining valid for 72 hours]:


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MAIL: anil1101@hotmail.com
BLOG: www.keionics9x.blogspot.in
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Sunday, March 25, 2012


Many small business owners find it challenging to grow their business in today’s stagnant economy. Those that succeed do so in part by embracing cost-effective marketing tactics to attract and retain customers. Using free or low-cost online marketing tools, small businesses can compete on the proverbial level playing field and can generate healthy revenue.
The most effective small business marketers integrate online marketing with traditional offline marketing tactics, such as direct mail. In fact, a recent study found that integrating online and offline tactics increased return on investment in 62 percent of marketing campaigns. 1
For some business owners, the thought of adding marketing to their already full plate sends shudders down their spines. They fear they don’t have the time to do it right and wouldn’t know where to start if they tried. Many don’t get along too well with technology, either. The good news is that marketing is about building relationships – something most small business owners do every day – not technology. Marketing requires some time, but not nearly as much as one might think. The investment will yield results.
There are three fundamental elements to understand before moving into online marketing. Be­ginning a marketing program is like building a house; it starts with the foundation. Marketing’s foundation is the message; something to say that customers want to hear. A clear message statement defines a business’ value proposition and differentiates it from competitors.
Once the message is finalized, build a website. Easy-to-use templates make creating visually appealing websites a snap, even for those who wouldn’t know HTML code from a zip code.
After mastering the website, small business owners can add social media components such as video, blogs, Facebook pages, LinkedIn® and Twitter, one step at a time. Going at one’s own pace allows new marketers to learn how to effectively use tools and measure results.
After you embrace technology as a tool, the specifics become intuitive.
The foundation of any marketing plan is a compelling message statement that succinctly ex­plains the value the business brings to customers. It’s the image marketing aims to create in customers’ minds matching their needs with what the business offers.
One of the best ways to determine what customers want is to listen to them. After all, they’re the ones whose opinions matter in this discussion. For some, the reason may be location or price or quality. However, more often the answer lies in how businesses interact with custom­ers versus the product or service sold. Being the fastest dry-cleaner, the most empathetic vet­erinarian or the easiest-to-work with mortgage broker often holds more sway with customers than being the closest or cheapest.

Customers will often provide a wealth of information through face-to-face or online conversa­tions that a business can use to develop its message so that it resonates with the target audi­ence. Indeed, most customers are flattered (and surprised) to be asked their opinion. A variety of online listening methods will be presented later in this paper.
The message statement guides all customer interactions, from website text to in-store service. It should be written down and posted where it will remind employees what the customer wants from interactions with the business.
Once a business can differentiate itself, it’s time to spread the word. Not too long ago this meant advertising in local papers or the radio. Today’s array of options can cause confusion and lead small business owners to abandon efforts before getting started. Concentrating on a few key online marketing tactics helps business owners create efficient and effect programs to build awareness and motivate prospects to patronize a business.
To start with, every business needs a website. It doesn’t need to be fancy; simple and effective trump cluttered. While professionally created sites allow for maximum design flexibility, many website hosting vendors provide hundreds of free design templates suited to small businesses owners who can point and click their way to a simple, easy-to-navigate website.
An effective website meets three needs:
1) It clearly describes what the business sells.
2) It can be easily found through Google™ and other search engines.
3) It integrates a business’ online marketing tactics into a powerful lead generation tool.
A strong message statement coupled with clear calls to action and contact information serves the first need. Concise and compelling is the mantra. Web visitors want instant gratification.
“Once they click to your website, you have between five and eight seconds to convince them you can help,” says Larry Bailin, author of Mommy, Where Do Customers Come From? “It’s critical that you address their issues on your home page. Get to the point and get rid of any­thing that doesn’t need to be there.” 2
Search engine optimization, or SEO, increases a site’s relevance for Google and other search engines. Greater relevance results in higher placement in the order of search results, which increases the likelihood that potential customers find the site in the first place. SEO experts try to determine which keywords potential customers will use in searches, then sprinkle those terms liberally in the website content.

SEO need not stay the domain of experts. Anyone can select keywords based on a few minutes of research. Which keywords to choose? The ones with the greatest likelihood of attracting potential customers. Right-clicking on a page and selecting “View Page Source” discloses the keywords against which the page is optimized, providing a quick way to check competitor sites. Do-it-yourselfers can search prospective keywords on Google, then use phrases listed in the “related searches” result section as prospective keywords. A free tool, Google Insights, lets users further refine keyword searches by comparing search volume patters across categories.
Thirdly, a website connects a business’ multiple online marketing efforts. It serves as a hub integrating activity from blogs, Twitter and other social media.
The website as unifying element becomes more important as more small businesses adopt social media marketing tactics. “As small business users become more comfortable with social media, its benefits become clearer, and social media’s positive results become more obvious,” according to Small Business Labs. The organization identified small business’ increased adop­tion of social media as one of its top-10 business trends for 2011. 3
What’s more, a recent survey found that nearly half of small and medium sized businesses now use social media. “Why wouldn’t they?” asks online pollster Zoomerang’s Jason Miller. “Social media provides Small to medium businesses (SMB’s)with an opportunity to level the playing field against much larger companies by engaging directly with their customers in a cost effec­tive manner.” 4
Building a website is only half the game. Marketers need to measure how well the site is at­tracting and retaining visitors. For beginning website measurement, Google Analytics, a free tool, “shows website owners how people found their site, how they explored it, and how to enhance their visitor experience. With this information, marketers can improve their website return on investment and increase conversions, and make more money on the web,” explains Google.
Zoomerang Survey: Marketing in a Digital World, SMB & Consumer Survey Results

Small business owners can harness the power of video to forge deeper connections with their customers on their website. Easy-to-use, inexpensive video recorders are ubiquitous and videos help bring personalities to life, be they empathetic doctors, no-nonsense legal teams or sup­portive local craft store owners. Also, “how to” videos can create demand by teaching viewers how to use a product, for example a fabric store video showing how to sew a dress.
Hosting videos on a website can be complicated and costly. That’s where YouTube comes in. Owned by Google, YouTube provides a free hosting ser­vice, with uploading videos a matter of drag-and-drop simplicity.
Businesses can add video to their websites by posting clips to YouTube, then embedding the link to the video on their company website. This way, businesses direct visitors to their website rather than to YouTube.
Blogs, or online journals, provide an easy way to demonstrate expertise with a human touch. Using free tools such as Google Blogger, WordPress or TypePad, business owners can start their own blog in minutes. Bloggers can choose from a variety of design templates to match their personalities and industry. The technical part of creating a blog is simple. The harder part is determining how often to blog and what to say.
As a rule of thumb, bloggers should post new entries at least weekly to maintain readers’ inter­est. Blog posts should communicate a business’ message statement and position the owner and employees as experts at their trade. Equally importantly, blog posts should convey the voice of the business. Blog readers expect a casual tone – conversational, as if talking to a friend.
That’s why blogs offer a perfect opportunity to connect with readers –potential customers – on a personal level. A dentist might blog about advances in the field or address common concerns of her customers, while a real estate agent might discuss current home buying trends – all in a friendly, approachable voice.

Once a way to connect with friends, Facebook has taken the business world by storm. The New York Times declared that, “a growing number of businesses are making Facebook an indispen­sible part of hanging out their shingles. Small businesses are using it to find new customers, build online communities of fans and dig into gold mines of demographic information.” 5
The reason is simple. More than 500 million people use Facebook to connect with people. It has become the Web’s most visited site, and a business must go where its customers go. 6
Additionally, by “liking” business’ fan pages, they’re recommending vendors virally and at In­ternet speed.
Businesses can create a Fan page using a vanity address (i.e., www.facebook.com/company­name), and can link their page to the company’s website. Equally important, Facebook activity centers around users commenting on others’ posts. This provides a tremendously valuable op­portunity to interact with customers and build relationships. Business can listen to what people say about them – the good, the bad and the ugly. Many businesses use the forum to identify new product or service suggestions.
Unlike traditional marketing communication channels, businesses don’t control content on Facebook or with other social media tools. The customer does. This lack of top-down control frightens some businesses. But customers talk about businesses regardless of whether the business wants them to. By engaging with customers directly, businesses can identify their advocates and their foes, and if they act appropriately can often turn a foe into a loyal friend and online ambassador.
Facebook also offers the type of highly-targeted advertising opportunity most small businesses wouldn’t have the resources to attempt a few years ago. Facebook advertisers choose key­words that search across the social network, scanning users’ demographic profiles and wall postings.
This targeting capability gives advertisers to ability to reach their precise target audience. For example, a wedding photographer spent a mere $300 in two years to reach women ages 22 to 28 who listed their marital status as engaged in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. The campaign has driven more than $60,000 in business. 7

Until recently, LinkedIn provided professionals a way to find each other online, primarily for job opportunities. Lately, the real action has shifted to LinkedIn Groups. These special interest groups – including many local business groups – offer ways to learn best practices, fine tune your supply chain, and communicate with potential customers. Groups are searchable by key­word, such as industry, interest or location.
A children’s clothing store owner might join both textile-specific groups to discuss industry news and identify new suppliers, and a local parenting group filled with potential customers. When joining groups, businesses would do well to listen to others before commenting. As a rule, social media users shun blatant sales pitches.
Instead, commenters should focus on establishing their reputations by adding insight and value to the conversation. It’s no different than a conversation at a cocktail party; no one likes the boor who’s only interested in talking about himself.
LinkedIn Groups are similar to e-mail discussion lists, which many small business owners have used for years. The tactic relies on building relationships with group members and demonstrat­ing one’s expertise. That can take time, but the results can be significant.
“E-mail discussion lists have been my single largest source of clients over the last eight years,” says Shel Horowitz, a well-known small-business marketer. 8

Twitter polarizes small business owners. Some have jumped into the twitterverse with both feet, and credit the microblogging service with helping them make direct connections with cus­tomers, financiers and industry influencers they never would have had the opportunity to meet before. Other, less enamored businesspeople think it nothing but a black hole that will eat up their time with no reward.
What often gets lost in the debate is the fact that one can harness the power of Twitter with­out tweeting. That’s because Twitter provides a research bonanza, complete with insight into what customers want or problems they need solved, competitor moves, and industry news. A number of tools for Twitter, such as HootSuite™ or TweetDeck, help users manage their time effectively and automate processes. These applications let users “set up alerts and notifica­tions, create groups, skim activity quickly and schedule updates,” explains About.com social media expert Alyssa Gregory. 9
Using Twitter without Tweeting
Take 30 minutes every week to run your own business’ keywords and terms through the
Twitter search function. Click through to the sites that have been shared. Save those page links in your Useful Content Library.
• Find interesting people and browse their recent tweets. If you like what you read, follow them so their tweets come to your Twitter home page. Or just add this person to your Useful Content Library.
• Look up your competitors. If they are active, you can gather ideas about what works and what doesn’t. What are they tweeting? Do they have any followers? Are they following lots
of people or businesses? If they are friendly competitors, call them to explore how Twitter is working for them.
• Find out if your best customers are active on Twitter, and follow them.
• Put Twitter tweets on automatic. Given the connectivity tools that exist today, if you blog you can tweet (the same goes for posting to a Facebook company page or a LinkedIn profile.) Just choose one of the many services that automate cross-posting of blog entries, such as www.dlvr.it.
Source: Kern Lewis, Forbes.com 10

While the 8 online marketing steps described here might be new to your small business mar­keting toolkit, it’s important to remember that online marketing tactics alone do not guarantee effectiveness.
Marketing plans should not only rely on the digital tools available today, including building a business website and utilizing social media outlets such as YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, but also include traditional marketing methods such as direct mail.
According to a recent survey conducted by marketing services firm, Epsilon Targeting, direct mail, especially when combined with other marketing tactics including email and social media sites, is still the number one choice among the over 4,000 survey participants. 11
The survey highlights more key findings that were surprising given today’s digital age with advanced technologies like email, mobile phones, iPads and social media.
These findings include:
• Direct mail is the channel of choice for the 18-34 year old demographic.
• 37% of U.S. consumers believe traditional mail offers more privacy than email.
• Checking the mailbox is a source of enjoyment cited by 60% of the U.S. consumers.
• Consumers prefer personally addressed mail to unaddressed mail.
The study reiterates that it’s key for marketers to recognize consumer preferences and use
a variety of channels to establish a relationship with their target audience.
Small Business marketers armed with online marketing strategies combined with the
fundamentals of traditional offline marketing can build successful marketing plans in 2012
and beyond.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Power of "We"

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